Not for profit organisation “Trees for the Future” has a goal to help restore our planet to its thriving former self. Their aim is to help end hunger and poverty by training farmers to regenerate their land. Changing lives, not just planting trees through their “Forest Garden Program”.
Using a combination of High Tech, Low Tech and No Tech farming methods, they have developed a program that trains farmers in sustainable agri-forresty practices over a period of four years.
This education empowers the farmers to optimise the land they have and to develop a sustainable approach though diversification. Moving away from the risky mono culture approach that has historically relyed on clearring of land. This approch encompasses the creation of “green walls” that help to protect the crops, and aid in fixing nitrogen into the soil and maintinaing a positive balance between the crops, the soil and the water table, improving the lands return to the farmer year after year.
The Forest Garden timeline
The following image is a breakdown of the process that Trees for the Future take towards each project.
Climate change is primarily caused by the misuse of land. Hundreds of millions of farming families lack proper training in sustainable agriculture throughout the Global South, leaving them trapped in poverty and environmental decay.
The organisation helps farmers restore their soil by planting trees on their own land. They are then trained in sustainable and regenerative farming practices. The farmers can grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to eat and sell, increasing their income and access to nutrition.
Reducing poverty and hunger
Prior to the program, vulnerable communities were existing with 83% of inhabitants living with food insecurities. Unsure where their next meal was coming from. With the implementation of their “Forrest Garden” projects, that number has dropped to 14%.
Besides increasing biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions, each Forest Garden also eliminates hunger and poverty.
They have been working with thousands of farming families across five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Their focus is on the implementation of Forest Garden Programs in Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda, and Tanzania, as these are areas where we are having the biggest impact and seeing profound results. A realistic and achievable impact on the future of farming for many regions around our globe.
See following image of the areas they have worked in and currently continue to do so.
This organisation has the whole “teach a man to fish” approach versus “give a man a fish”, which in turn is bringing great benefits to the local Ecosystem, the local Economy and our planet at large.
Check out the “mini documentary” below takes a closer look at the program and the people involved.
There is a critical need to restore our planets ecosystem for the future of the planet and everyone who lives on it. Trees for the Future aims to plant 1 billion trees by 2030 with the help of their supporters and partners as a significant step towards this.
Please check out their page and the great work they are doing and please consider making a donation to become a part of this positive change in the lives of millions of people and of our planet.
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