Foodbank – Feeding the hungry

Foodbank Australia

Food and grocery donations to welfare agencies to feed those most in need.

This is a not for profit, non denominational Australian initiative that seeks and distributes food and grocery donations to welfare agencies to feed those most in need. It is amazing to think that up to one million children go hungry every day in Australia alone. Amazing considering Australia is a ‘first world’ country, no longer can we associate hunger with the likes of Africa, India and so on.

Food Bank

See some of the following statistics explaining the Australian local problem further.

  • 11% of Australian adults and 12% of children live in poverty, and the numbers are growing.
  • In Australia up to a million children don’t always get enough to eat.
  • 15% of Australian children live in jobless households.
  • 2.2 million Australians don’t have enough money to take care of basic needs such as housing, clothing and food.
  • The aged, single people and the working poor have become the new battlers in Australia.

This problem is spread widely across our planet – and is fixable for a prosperous and sustainable future for all.

So many factor are involved in people being underfed, and indeed, starving to death every day, so many issues that are very solvable. Unfortunately due to the ‘machine’ that drives most of our economies, these solutions are often overlooked for more ‘profitable’ focuses.

This may be true, however, every bit of support for organisations such as Foodbank, will encourage a positive shift in all of our thinking and supporting those people most in need.
You can check out more about this great cause at their website where you can make a donation directly.
