Moonlight – Solar lantern

Moonlight Solar light

Kamworks, a company located in a rural area of Kandal, Cambodia has produced a fantastic solar LED product to replace the need for kerosene lighting in rural households.

The MoonLight was launched in October 2009 and is the first assembled solar product in Cambodia. The Moonlight can be rented in rural areas for less than $.08/day, the same amount traditionally spent on kerosene.

The nature of the light also removes the threat of fire due to most houses being constructed out of straw and wood in rural Cambodia.

Cambodian solar tech

Kamworks: impacted 150,000 rural lives!

Field tests in Cambodia have shown that rural villagers find the Moonlight a much better solution than a kerosene lamp as it is much brighter light than a kerosene lamp, has no fire risk, is not affected by the wind and they can pay back the cost of the Moonlight in less than a year. This is a fantastic product for developing regions and provides and amazing benifits to the quality of life for these people.
Moonlight Solar Lights

Check out more information on this and other products via their site

Clean technology making a real difference!

Beautiful photography showcasing this product by Mathieu Young.

Tags: Solar