Tron Light Cycles – get one now!


The Parker Brothers” custom chopper builders (that’s motorcycles to us Australian folk), are building five custom light-cycles to the exact specs of the movie bikes from Tron, the 1982 Disney movie. These lightcycles will also be street-legal to boot!

All you will need is a cool US$35,000, your own neon-lit leathers, Parker Brothers will throw in a TRON style helmet! Only five will be built, and each will be a different colour (Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange and Green) so get in quick for your choice.  I’ll take the blue one!

The Tron Light Cycle Specs

Further details for the Tron/chopper nut (enthusiast) specify:

  • The wheels are custom made 22″ x12″ dual hubless wheels with custom made tires Hoosier is custom making 5 sets just for us specifically for this project.
  • Buyers will have the option of additional tires as needed.
  • The frame is 2″ cold rolled and boxed hardened steel with carbon fibre/fibreglass bodies.
  • Accent colours are neon glowing from behind frosted plexiglass and can be turned off or on with the flip of a switch.

Tron Light Cycle

These bikes are selling at  $35,000  which I found to be quite low for the super sweet future geek icon! Especially since they’re a limited edition.

In the words of Kevin Flynn:

Now for some real user power.
